Advanced Recipes ================ HistoryMixin ------------- This mixin keeps a simple history of changes that have been made to a resource, storing them in a database table with a JSON field. :class:`HistoryMixin` is a drop-in addition to any :class:`ModelResource`. .. code-block:: python ChangeSet = fields.Object({ "updated_at": fields.DateTime(), "changes": fields.List(fields.Object({ "attribute": fields.String(), "old": fields.Any(nullable=True), "new": fields.Any(nullable=True) })) }) class HistoryRecord(db.Model): id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) object_type = db.Column(db.String(20), index=True, nullable=False) object_id = db.Column(db.Integer, index=True, nullable=False) updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime,, nullable=False) changes = db.Column(postgresql.JSONB) __mapper_args__ = { "order_by": "updated_at" } class HistoryMixin(object): @ItemRoute.GET('/history', rel="history") def history(self, item) -> fields.List(ChangeSet): history = HistoryRecord.query \ .filter_by(object_type=self.meta.model.__tablename__, object_id=getattr(item, self.meta.get('id_attribute', 'id'))) \ .all() return history @before_update.connect_via(ANY, weak=False) def history_on_update(resource, item, changes): if issubclass(resource, HistoryMixin): history = HistoryRecord(object_type=item.__tablename__, object_id=getattr(item, resource.meta.get('id_attribute', 'id')), changes=[]) fields_by_attribute = { field.attribute or key: field for key, field in resource.schema.fields.items() } for attribute, change in changes.items(): field = fields_by_attribute[attribute] history.changes.append({ "attribute": attribute, "old": field.output(attribute, item), "new": field.output(attribute, changes) }) db.session.add(history) ArchivingResource ----------------- Sometimes soft-deletion is preferable over full deletion. This custom :class:`ModelResource` and :class:`Manager` does not delete items, instead it *archives* them, removing them from the main instances route. Archived items can be viewed in the archive route from where they can be restored but not updated. Replace :class:`RelationalManager` with an appropriate base class, such as :class:`SQLAlchemyManager`. :class:`PrincipalManager` can also be used as the base class for the manager with some minor changes. .. code-block:: python class Location(Enum): ARCHIVE_ONLY = 1 INSTANCES_ONLY = 2 BOTH = 3 class ArchiveManager(RelationalManager): def _query(self, source=Location.INSTANCES_ONLY): query = super()._query(self) if source == Location.BOTH: return query elif source == Location.ARCHIVE_ONLY: return query.filter(getattr(self.model, 'is_archived') == True) else: return query.filter(getattr(self.model, 'is_archived') == False) def instances(self, where=None, sort=None, source=Location.INSTANCES_ONLY): query = self._query(source) if where: expressions = [self._expression_for_condition(condition) for condition in where] query = self._query_filter(query, self._and_expression(expressions)) if sort: query = self._query_order_by(query, sort) return query def archive_instances(self, page, per_page, where=None, sort=None): return self\ .instances(where=where, sort=sort, source=Location.ARCHIVE_ONLY)\ .paginate(page=page, per_page=per_page) def read(self, id, source=Location.INSTANCES_ONLY): query = self._query(source) if query is None: raise ItemNotFound(self.resource, id=id) return self._query_filter_by_id(query, id) class ArchivingResource(ModelResource): class Meta: manager = ArchiveManager exclude_routes = ['destroy'] # we're using rel="archive" instead. class Schema: is_archived = fields.Boolean(io='r') @Route.GET('/', rel="self", attribute="instance") def read(self, id) -> fields.Inline('self'): return, source=Location.BOTH) @read.PATCH(rel="update") def update(self, properties, id): item =, source=Location.INSTANCES_ONLY) updated_item = self.manager.update(item, properties) return updated_item update.response_schema = update.request_schema = fields.Inline('self', patch_instance=True) @update.DELETE(rel="archive") def destroy(self, id): item =, source=Location.INSTANCES_ONLY) self.manager.update(item, {"is_archived": True}) return None, 204 @Route.GET("/archive") def archive_instances(self, **kwargs): return self.manager.archive_instances(**kwargs) archive_instances.request_schema = archive_instances.response_schema = Instances() @Route.GET('/archive/', rel="readArchived") def read_archive(self, id) -> fields.Inline('self'): item =, source=Location.ARCHIVE_ONLY) @Route.POST('/archive//restore', rel="restoreFromArchive") def restore_from_archive(self, id) -> fields.Inline('self'): item =, source=Location.ARCHIVE_ONLY) return self.manager.update(item, {"is_archived": False})